Green Belt of Fennoscandia
russian version

Green Belt of Fennoscandia
Green Belt of Fennoscandia
Green Belt of Fennoscandia Conference "Green Belt of Fennoscandia - 2013"
Green Belt of Fennoscandia







Scientific publications 
Яковлев Е.Б., Полевой А.В.
К фауне длинноусых двукрылых (Diptera, Nematocera) заповедника «Кивач»
// Флора и фауна охраняемых природных территорий Карелии. Вып. 1. Петрозаводск: Карельский научный центр РАН, 1997. C. 7-29
Yakovlev E.В., Polevoi A.V. On the fauna of Diptera, Nematocera of Kivach Nature Reserve // Flora and fauna of the protected areas in Republic of Karelia. Vol. 1. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 1997. Pp. 7-29
The list of 544 species of nematocerous Diptera, found in Kivach Nature Reserve is given. The list resulted from long-term (1984-1996) collecting with variety of methods, including rearing from fungal fruit bodies and dead wood containing fungal mycelium, carried out in forest ecosystems on the territory of the reserve.

  Last modified: April 27, 2015