Green Belt of Fennoscandia
russian version

Green Belt of Fennoscandia
Green Belt of Fennoscandia
Green Belt of Fennoscandia Conference "Green Belt of Fennoscandia - 2013"
Green Belt of Fennoscandia







Scientific publications 
Кутенкова H.Н.
Видовой состав и динамика лета бабочек Heterocera (Macrolepidoptera) в разных биотопах заповедника «Кивач» в 1991-1993 гг
// Флора и фауна охраняемых природных территорий Карелии. Вып. 1. Петрозаводск: Карельский научный центр РАН, 1997. C. 73-82
Kutenkova N.N. Species composition and dynamics of butterflies (Heterocera, Macrolepidoptera) in different biotopes of Kivach Nature Reserve in 1991-1993 // Flora and fauna of the protected areas in Republic of Karelia. Vol. 1. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 1997. Pp. 73-82
Results obtained from light-trapping in six different biotopes of Kivach Nature Reserve in 1991-1993 are discussed. 259 species (which is calculated as 70.8% of the whole known local fauna of fotoxenic moths) are found: in birch forest - 203 species, in ecotone at the boundary between forest and meadow - 180, in Myrtillus pine forest - 171, in Vaccinium pine forest - 131, in aspen forest - 99, in bog - 31 species. Species with low density constitute, altogether, ca. 60-80% from the total catch of Lepidoptera. Epirrita autumnata Borkh. was the dominant species in all the sample sites. The highest species diversity was noted during the course of the period from mid-July to mid-August. For every species data about period of trapping and number are given as well.

  Last modified: April 27, 2015