Green Belt of Fennoscandia
russian version

Green Belt of Fennoscandia
Green Belt of Fennoscandia
Green Belt of Fennoscandia Conference "Green Belt of Fennoscandia - 2013"
Green Belt of Fennoscandia







Scientific publications 
Кравченко А.В., Кучеров И.Б., Милевская С.Н.
Дополнения и уточнения к флоре сосудистых растений заповедника «Кивач»
// Флора и фауна охраняемых природных территорий Карелии. Вып. 1. Петрозаводск: Карельский научный центр РАН, 1997. C. 115-124
Kravchenko A.V., Kucherov I.B., Milevskaya S.N. Additions And Corrections to the Flora of vascular plants of Kivach Nature Reserve // Flora and fauna of the protected areas in Republic of Karelia. Vol. 1. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 1997. Pp. 115-124
The annotaded list of 44 species and interspecies hybrids new for the flora of Kivach Nature Reserve is given. The list is based on the collection of vascular plants stored in the Nature Reserve and own observations.

  Last modified: April 27, 2015