Green Belt of Fennoscandia
russian version

Green Belt of Fennoscandia
Green Belt of Fennoscandia
Green Belt of Fennoscandia Conference "Green Belt of Fennoscandia - 2013"
Green Belt of Fennoscandia







Scientific publications 
С.А. Кутенков.
Растительность болотных лесов среднетаежной подзоны Карелии
// Болотные экосистемы севера Европы: разнообразие, динамика, углеродный баланс, ресурсы и охрана. Материалы международного симпозиума (Петрозаводск, 30 августа – 2 сентября 2005 г.). Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2006. C. 159-172
S.A. Kutenkov. The vegetation of forested mires in middle taiga of Karelia // Mire Ecosystems in Northern Europe: Diversity, Dynamics, Carbon Balance, Resources and Conservation. Proceedings of International Symposium (Petrozavodsk: August 30 – September 2, 2005). Petrozavodsk, 2006. Pp. 159-172
The total area of forested mires in Karelia is estimated as са. 10% of the total land area and 34% of peatlands. Combining both forests and mires features, they demonstrates high biodiversity.
16 associations and 9 series (groups) of associations were revealed from analyzing of 231 sample plots according to ecologo-phytocoenotical approach. There are whole series of forested mires in Karelia, from herb-rich alder swamp to poor dwarf shrub pine bog. This continuum corresponds to deterioration of hydrological regime. The main composition gradients are site fertility and soil humidity. The forested mires characterized by well-developed microtopography and combination of nutrient effects. As result, they show high variation of ecological groups of plants as well as high species richness. The total flora of forested mires is contains 214 species of vascular plants and 72 species of moss. Species richness grows with the increasing of fertility
gradient, and highest in Filipendula ulmaria series. Communities from the
middle of continuum (Molinia caerule–and Menyanthes trifoliata–Sphagnum spp.) have largest set of eco-coenotical groups of species.

  Last modified: December 26, 2006