- Substantiation of GBF inclusion in UNESCO World Heritage List;
- Establishment and development of a network of protected areas (PAs) securing conservation of Fennoscandian biodiversity (setting up ecological corridors, strict reservation of areas retaining undisturbed ecosystems);
- Establishment of biosphere reserves – areas where nature conservation is harmoniously combined with resolution of social and economic problems;
- Identification of ethnocultural centres in GBF territory, and substantiation of measures to conserve indigenous peoples' traditions and languages, as well as historical and cultural monuments;
- Environmental education and awareness-raising;
- Working out of the economic development strategy taking environmental, social and cultural aspects, as well as nature conservation tasks into account.
Research programme tasks
- Investigate biological diversity (species and habitats) in border areas
- Identify most valuable ecosystems and substantiate their conservation status
- Define development priorities for GBF components with focus on involving cultural & natural heritage in economic activities
- Identify potential challenges and risks of GBF establishment, ways and methods to overcome them, including settlement of possible social and economic conflicts
Inception phase tasks (2008 - 2009)
- Set up an international working group to compile the GBF multidisciplinary programme;
- Analyse the results of completed and ongoing environmental, economic, socio-cultural and other projects in GBF area.